Sunday, August 18, 2013

Soccer Shoots

Soccer shoots, a perfect soccer shooting game offered to all of you in quest of a perfectly entertaining and addictive game to play and enjoy throughout. The introduction to enter you in this game, brings you in a reality where it’s nearly time to finish the match because of the time and the score happens to be tied. So, your team is in position to win every match to go further in the season. So the question is, can you score enough goals to become winner in this game before time from the clock runs out? Use left and right arrows to rotate your left and right. Up and down arrows to move forward and to move backward. Use A, to direct teammate to the left; S, to direct teammate to the right and D to switch the players. Use spacebar by holding it down to power up and then release to kick. The player you are in control in the current moment is always marked by a yellow circle. An extremely playable and enjoyable game!

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