Monday, June 24, 2013

Super Free Kicks

Free kicking may very well be one of the most complicated aspects of Football, and those who become masters at it really deserve all the praise they receive. In Super Free Kicks you are given the change you've always wanted to show everyone just how much better you are than everyone else at free kicks, how you deserve to be applauded and recognized for your immense talents.In order to kick in Super Free Kicks the first thing you need to do is aim your shot, and that is simply done by moving the mouse cursor around. There are two lines around the ball in order to help you determine where you are aiming your shot. Once you have decided on the direction, click the left mouse button, after which you then need to put the spin on your ball. Once you have selected the location, press the left mouse button once again, and once the power bar appears, tap the left mouse button one last time in order to choose how hard you are going to shoot.

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