Sunday, August 12, 2012

Free Kick

As the name suggests, the Free Kick game is to kick as many soccer balls into the goal as you can. The game gets harder as it progresses, and you can earn bonus points by kicking the ball to set points on the goal net marked by a star. Kicking the ball is done by left clicking with your mouse on the gauges at the bottom of the screen. There are four gauges on for each of direction, power, pitch and swerve. Direction chooses which way the ball travels. Pitch determines the angle of the ball, swerve determines the amount of bend the ball will travel around the goalkeeper, and power will ensure your ball reaches the goal. If you miss the goal your game is over and you start again. Choose from one of three era’s 1930, 1978 or 2006. 
As the name suggests, the Free Kick game is all about sinking as many free kicks as you can. The game is fun and addicting to play, and easy at first. There’s one catch however: the game will get more and more difficult as you get better and better with your kicks. 

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