Monday, April 29, 2013

Football Kicks

While playing football as a team may very well be a good test of skill, there are few better ways to test one's kick than to go through a football kicks challenge. In Football Kicks, both you and your opponent will have ten shots in hopes of besting one another, so you better make each one of them count.In Football Kicks you need to use the space bar in order to choose the direction you are going to be shooting in; make sure to time it perfectly with the arrow. Once that has been done, a curve line is going to appear, at which point you will need to press the space bar once again in order to select the curve you will add to the ball. Finally, the power bar is going to appear, and once again you will need to press the space bar in order to choose how powerful your shot is going to be. Make sure to pay attention to the yellow arrow which indicates how the wind is blowing.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Kick Off

To prove one country is better than another at football, it is not just enough to win team games; anyone can win or lose on any given day. However, when the players go one-on-one with each other in a competition of shooting and goalkeeping, the stakes are as high as they get for it becomes clear who the true champions are.In Kick off you are going to be playing as the shooter as well as the goalie. When you are the one shooting, an aiming reticle will appear in the form of a cross. In order to take your shot, simply click the left mouse button. In order to power up your shot, all you need to do is keep on holding the mouse button. However, keep in mind that once the cursor reaches the maximum level it doesn't go down, and the more strong your shot is, the less precision it has. As the goalie, all you need to do is catch the ball with the circle once it has been shot

Monday, April 15, 2013

Heroic Sports Football

In Heroic Sports Football you are given the chance to bring the ultimate fame and glory to your team by having them compete amongst the elite football players in the world. The obstacles ahead of you are tremendous, but nothing which cannot be overcome with good teamwork, strategy, and a sense of timing.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Penalty Shootout 2010

Regardless of which sport you are talking about, if it has a shootout, chances are that it is the most exciting part of the game. Very few things can capture the intensity of going one-on-one against a goalie, knowing that the game, and possibly even your team hinges on the decisions you are about to make next.The spotlight is on you, and if you succeed, you will be heralded as a hero… should you fail, however, nobody will be eager to remember you or what you have done. Very few games out there manage to capture this kind of intensity the same way Penalty Shootout 2010 does. In Penalty Shootout 2010 you are tasked with selecting your favourite team and taking them through five gruelling shootout rounds, hopefully getting your hands on that elusive World Cup in the end.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Champions Field

Even though football may be the most popular sport on the planet, there are still times during the year when there isn't much going on, and during those times real football fans are suffering as they long for their fix.Most games don't offer a compelling football experience, and knowing that Champions Field was created, marking the beginning of next-generation football games. The graphics in Champions Field are top notch as it combines 2-D sprites with a 3-D field and cursor making for extremely smooth animations and gameplay. In every game of Champions Field you are going to have three minutes to score as many goals as you can. You will be playing with a regular team of eleven players, including the goalkeeper, whom you will never have to control as the A.I. is quite capable of doing that.